Full Body PPF PPF

How Much Does Full Body PPF Cost?

Have you heard about PPF? Everyone is talking about PPF these days. Those who were not thinking about installing PPF are reconsidering their decision. Why not? It offers numerous astonishing benefits. But benefits are not the only thing car owners are concerned about. The most asked question is PPF film cost. Those aware of the PPF are trying to find out full body PPF cost. So, if you have the same mission, Welcome. Today, we are going to explore the full-body PPF cost. Don’t go anywhere.

What is Full Body PPF?

Those who know little about PPF must wonder what full-body PPF is. PPF is a thermo urethane transparent film. It is applied to the vehicles for protection. PPF coating is getting so much attention these days because of the benefits it offers. Some of the fantastic benefits of PPF installation on a car are:

  • It protects the car from external damage.
  • PPF maintains the pristine condition of the car.
  • It protects the car’s original paint from discoloration.
  • Also, it helps keep scratches and rust-free.
  • It enhances the aesthetic appeal of the car. 
  • It is visually invisible and won’t change the car’s original design.
  • PPF protects the car from UV damage.

And the list goes on! PPF offers countless benefits, but today’s discussion is on PPF film costs, so let’s get into that. You might not know that PPF can be applied to the entire vehicle or only the most exposed parts. So, the full body PPF cost is different from partial installation. Continue reading if you want full body PPF or are curious about full body PPF cost.

PPF Film Installation Cost in Canada

Full body PPF covers the entire vehicle. All parts of the vehicle are covered with a clear bra. PPF covers everything from the headlights to the rear parts of the car. So, a full body PPF costs you up to $8,000. However, the PPF film cost is not fixed. This means not every car owner will need $8,000 for PPF. On average, PPF film costs between $2,200 to $5,000. The fluctuation in the prices is because of various factors. Do you want to know which factors influence the price of PPF? Continue reading.

Factors Influence the Price of Paint Protection Film 

Size of the Vehicle

The most influential factor is the size and model of the vehicle. The smaller the size, the lower will be the cost. This is because less material is required to cover the full body of the vehicle with paint protection film. For example, the cost of PPF on a smart car and SUV is hugely different. 

Product Quality

Product quality is another crucial factor that determines the cost of PPF. High-quality PPF from premium brands comes at a high price. The high prices of PPF are because of the quality and durability. There are many PPFs available in the market that come at cheap prices. But these are not durable. So, investing in a high-quality product and enjoying the benefits of PPF for years is better.


Related Article: What are the major benefits of paint protection film?


Experience of the Installer
Experience of the Installer

PPF is not an ordinary car service. Expertise and special skills are needed to install the paint protection film on the car. An experienced installer may charge you more than an inexperienced one. But don’t save a few dollars and hand your possessions to an inexperienced PPF installer. For flawless installation and premium finish, always choose an experienced PPF expert

Condition of the Vehicle

PPF is installed to protect the external surface of the car. But the condition of the car also determines PPF cost. This is because if PPF is applied to an already scratched or chipped car, it will enhance these imperfections. It is essential to deal with these imperfections first for a seamless finish. This is why the car’s condition also influences the price of PPF. The PPF experts first correct these imperfections before installing the PPF. This also increases the full body PPF cost. 

How Long Does Paint Protection Film Last?

Paint protection film can be expensive depending on the factors mentioned above. Making this decision can be difficult for some. But if you look at the benefits and its durability, it is not that expensive. Are you interested in knowing the durability of the PPF? Paint protection film can last more than ten years. Don’t you think ten years for $8,000 are a good investment? But you should maintain it well for such fantastic durability. 

How to Maintain PPF?
How to Maintain PPF?

If you have installed PPf on your car or are considering getting it, you should maintain it well. Here are a few tips on how you can maintain paint protection film

  • Wash your car regularly. Even washing with mild soap and water is enough to make your car shine and increase the lifespan of the PPF. 
  • If you want to add some shine, use PPF-friendly wax or sealant.
  • Do not park your car in direct sunlight for long hours. 


Paint protection film is an advanced car service. It is a transparent film that protects car paint from damage. The PPF film cost depends on many factors. That’s why the cost of PPF is not fixed. A full body PPF can cost you up to $4000 to $5000 on average. It is an expensive service but worth every penny. 


How much does a full PPF cost?

PPF film cost is not fixed. On average, it costs between $2,000 and $2,500. Depending on the coverage area, installer expertise, and car, the cost of PPF varies. 

Is full body PPF worth it?

Yes, full body PPF is a wise decision. The paint protection film will keep your car in good shape. It protects the car from external damage. 

How long does full body PPF last?

Usually, PPF lasts up to five to seven years. But if you properly care for your car, it can last ten years. 

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Monday – Friday
09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
10:00 AM – 05:00 PM
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