ppf installation PPF

Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect PPF Installation

PPF installation is a meticulous process. To master the art of PPF installation one needs to acquire qualities like precision and attention to detail. Moreover, not every auto expert is great at installing PPF. If you want to learn flawless PPF installation, this guide is for you. From protecting the car from damage to giving it a sleek look, the installation process matters a lot. Stay with us to learn how to install PPF flawlessly. Understand each step carefully as each step plays a crucial role in achieving a beautiful finish.

Choose the PPF Film

Paint protection film comes in various finishes. Before everything, you need to decide what type of film you are choosing for your vehicle. PPF is expensive and a long-term investment therefore you should only choose a high-quality PPF. Moreover, you can choose in finish that suits your style such as matte, glossy, and textured. 

Gather the Tools and Materials

You can’t start installing paint protection film right away. Start with gathering all the stuff you need. The PPF installer near me has the following tools and materials at their workstation:

  • Pre-cut or custom paint protection film according to the car size and type
  • Microfibre cloth
  • Squeegee 
  • Soapy water solution 
  • Sprayer 
  • Heat gun 
  • 70% Isopropyl alcohol 
  • Tape
  • Cutting tools 

Whether you are installing PPF yourself or hiring a professional, having the right tools is essential. Moreover, the PPF installer should be skilled in using appropriate tools and techniques for a perfect PPF installation. 

Preparing the Vehicle

Preparing the Vehicle

The next step is preparing the vehicle for PPF film installation. Wash your vehicle thoroughly to ensure it is free from dirt and road debris. Furthermore, you can use isopropyl alcohol to make the area free from contamination. Proper cleaning is important for the perfect adhesion of paint protection film. Professional PPF installers are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for seamless PPF installation.

Measure, Cut, Size Check, and Trim 

Some installers use pre-cut PPFs but what if your PPF is not pre-cut? If this is the case, you need to measure the PPF and cut it according to the size of your car. You can use a measuring tape to get the accurate measurements. 

Pro Tip: 

Cut a few centimeters extra to cover installation errors, if needed.

You can cut the film using a sharp tool or following the manufacturer’s instructions. However, cutting PPF film accurately is a child’s play. Many self-installers ruin the film before installing. Therefore, you should always get a pre-cut PPF film or seek help from PPF experts. 

Apply Soapy Water

This step is a must before installing PPF film. Generously apply soapy water to the exterior surface of the vehicle. Apply according to the area you need to cover with PPF. This creates a slippery surface between the car’s exterior and PPF. It prevents the film from sticking and lets you adjust it while installing.

Position the Film and Apply

Carefully remove the sheet to reveal the adhesive side of the film. Spray the soapy water solution on the adhesive side to prevent PPF from sticking. Take the film and position it on the vehicle. Adjust the film as needed to blend it well with the car’s edges. The soapy water will let you slide the film on the car’s surface. Take as much time as needed until the film is well aligned with the car. 

Remove the Bubbles

Remove the Bubbles

Once your PPF is in position, it’s time to remove the bubbles. Take a squeegee and gently push the soapy water underneath the film to the sides. Always start from the centre and then do the edges. You can do overlapping motions to smoothen the edges. After removing the soapy water, the film will stick well to the car’s surface. Moreover, there should be no bubbles or wrinkles. 

Learn if DIY PPF installation is possible or not, in our previous guide. 

Expert Installation Tips

  • If you are unable to remove bubbles completely, use a heat gun or hair dryer to stretch the film. Cars with complex curves need special attention. You may need to apply heat to blend the film well with the car edges. Do not overheat or overstretch the film. 
  • Trim the edges if needed. Use a knife or any sharp cutting tool to cut off the excess PPF film. Make sure you leave ⅛ inch distance around the edges. Do not forget to seal the film by tucking it underneath the car’s body. 

After PPF installation give the vehicle time to cure. Generally, it takes one to two days for the freshly applied PPF to dry completely.  Once the PPF film is nice and dry, inspect it one last time for any visible bubbles or imperfections. Moreover, to maintain the PPF well, hand wash the car and avoid harsh chemicals. 


PPF installation is not a cakewalk. It involves meticulous steps that should be followed for proper installation. As experts in this industry, we have shared a complete guide with you all to achieve the desired results. Read and follow our guidelines to install the PPF film properly. Give your car the protection it needs and deserve. 


What are the steps for PPF application?

PPF installation involves various steps. It starts with preparing the car for installation to applying the film to the car’s surface. 

What should I do before PPF?

Before applying the PPF film one should clean the surface to make it free from dirt and contamination. You can wash it with a mild detergent or soapy water. High pH does wonders in removing oil, dirt, and road grime. 

Can I use soapy water to apply PPF?

Yes, you can use soapy water to apply PPF. This solution prevents the PPF from sticking to itself and the car’s surface. So, the installer can adjust the film as needed. Then work on removing the solution to let the film stick to the vehicle’s surface. 


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