3m clear protective film PPF

How to apply 3M clear protective sheets?

3M clear protective film is applied to resist the extent of outer influence, such as minor bangs, and does not change its color. The 3M transparent protective film is one of the most suitable products for car owners who do not attempt to paint their car but want a protective layer over the car’s paint. So, when you decide to install a 3M clear protective film in your vehicle, the question arises: How do I perform an installation that uses PPF? There are two types of installation processes: There are two types of installation processes:

  • Professional installation
  • DIY installation

Professional installation may involve getting an expert installer’s services, which means the installation will be done well without any risks of developmental issues. However, a DIY installation option implies that you will be applying the PPF coating on your car. Even though it is always advisable to get professional help from a professional such as Auto Boss to install your Raptor PPF, our guide on installing PPF yourself is below.

DIY Guide –Installation of 3M Clear Protective Film

As with any other simple project, you can install a 3M protective film yourself. Indeed, this might be a simple project you can do independently at your convenience. Here are a few essential things to follow: Here are a few critical things to follow:

Required supplies

Spray bottles                            2

Baby shampoo/pH-neutral cleaner       1

Isopropyl Alcohol                                1

Squeegee                                          1

Machine washable/ Soft microfiber mitt   Cleaning cloth


There are two types of preparations: There are two types of preparations:

Installation solution mixture preparation: Dilute the baby shampoo or cleaner in water (solution 1) with a small amount of the cleaner/shampoo added to a large amount. If this is unavailable, you can use mild soaps to carry out the same processes as with the baby shampoo. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, either individually or collectively, as the case may be. Meanwhile, in the second spray bottle, 60 percent water and 40 percent isopropyl alcohol are added.

Vehicle surface preparation: Apply the 3M clear protective film, wash, clean, and dry the outer surface of the vehicle. Degrease any grime or dirt to ensure no difficulty when installing the system. Avoid any content that may affect the adhesion between the substrate and the epoxy coating.



Here are the two types of installation:

Stretch to fit the film 

Step 1: Rinse the vehicle hood with a cleaning solution (solution one on the hood, as illustrated).

Step 2: The other component of the installation process includes the following steps: Firstly, remove the backing of the PPF and ensure the film is well immersed in solution one as you peel off the adhesive.

Step 3: Place your protective film over the vehicle surface for the automobile car and just position the middle portion of the movie to the middle part of the vehicle surface. This is now apparent with some of the PPFs requiring stretch fitting. Position the film just in the middle of the face of the car if the car is still new. Lift the edges. Screen Spray 2 is Alcohol water, which has to be sprayed under the PPF. A tackifier for the film adhesive is used by spraying the solution to make the adhesive more tacky. It aids in extending the top and the bottom of a picture or any other object you are working on.

Pro tip: First, move the film out before applying the solution. It is advisable to pull the film gently to determine how much it will have to be stretched to adequately cover the surface.

Pour spray solution number 2 into the middle of the PPF and squeeze it from the center. Although you will be rinsing the surface clean later, to ensure the sealer adheres well, spray a bit on the next part and squeeze.

Step 4: Again, strip the PPF, align it, and check it on the required surface using a thuggee. (Tilt the squeegee at an angle of forty-five degrees. ) The squeegee on the film surface eliminates excess vibration and bubbles from the solution.

Step 5: Another round using the squeegee will help eliminate air bubbles. The n gathers a round of squeegeeing to ensure that any imperfections in the central area of the film are pushed toward the outer perimeters.

Pro tip: Do not overstretch your PPF. Doing so will only exacerbate the situation and possibly further damage your PPF.

None stretch Fit

None stretch Fit

Step 1: Wash the vehicle’s surface using spraying or simply soapy water.

Step 2: Remove the multi-color 3M protective film from the adhesive backing. When you have removed the backing, the best thing you can do is soak it in solution one, which is soapy water.

Step 3: The PPF should be centered on the lower portion of your vehicle hood. Once you are satisfied with the positioning, place the film well in its wash and ensure that you do not touch it again.

Step 4:  Using the PPF, rinse the alcohol solution towards the rear panel, spraying an alcoholic water solution under the PPF.

Step 5: Solution 2 taken means’ Alcoholic water,’ though this is just a layman’s name since alcoholic water is mixed with alcohol the same way someone mixes the soda with bitters. This solution lets the film prepare well and take a proper shape to adhere to the substrate. Correcting the vehicle’s stand with the squeegee’s help is recommended.

Step 6: When placing the film on the automobile part, remove the air bubbles by scraping it across the surface. Use the squeegee from the middle outwards by wiping across the glass horizontally.

Auto Boss expert advice

The DIY process of installing the two varieties is explained comprehensively. However, if no one else can assist and you do not have the time or patience, you can leave this process to the professionals. We recommend learning the process before applying the 3M Clear protective film.

You are less likely to go wrong under the formal and authoritative understanding of the process. However, if you are indifferent to your business and perform this procedure improperly or without proper care, it may lead to severe losses

For instance, if you over-stretch the film, it may tear away. Although this is a simple way of stating it, there is more to it, which I will show you in the next section, where I will delve deep into the issue of how the various processes work, starting with this particular process of stretching the cable.

This will likely occur when the solution is applied directly to the vehicle surface in large amounts.

Proper use of the squeegee is very important; doing it improperly will confine the air bubbles in the film.

Use proper tools

Proper solutions are essential. Do not apply too much shampoo or floor alcohol, as this will make adhesion difficult.

Do not conduct the installation process of Paint protection film in a very hot or very cold climate because extreme heat or low temperature makes the whole process cumbersome. Very high temperatures lead to the beginning of adhesive degradation. In the case of low temperatures, the adhesive does not adhere to a car properly.

That should only be done and applied by professional technicians. If you do not have much experience doing it in your cars, do not attempt to do it all by yourself.


The application of protective films involves following several steps, including cleaning the surface of the concerned car.

It is important to prepare the surface to ensure that it will stick well. Also, check whether the car is as clean as it is supposed to be in terms of inspection.

After proper cleaning:

Mix the two solutions: A- water and cleaner/Turkey B- Alcohol and water.

Remove the adhesive backing.

Ensure that the water has a sufficient soap solution when filling it.

Use this for spraying alcohol solution under the film.

Using a squeegee, continue wiping in the same direction to eliminate air bubbles.

Let it dry well on its surface. Leave the vehicle for an hour or park it away from the fuel station. Please wait for the automobile to be adequately cured before driving it.


Why to apply PPF?

Applying PPF coating involves an additional layer that mitigates against minor scratching incidents that occur during daily car use.

For how much time PPF lasts on your vehicle?

The PPF coating stays on the vehicle paint for about five years; sometimes, it can last up to 10 years. The lifespan is also an index of the quality of the actual film material, installation, and weather conditions.

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