remove old PPF PPF

Can you remove old PPF at home?

The car or vehicle buyers decide to purchase it after the first impression. PPF protects your car paint, and you can remove it before selling. Most people think, can you remove old PPF at home? The answer could be clearer. Removing PPF is easier than installing it. When you have properly installed PPF, it sticks to your car surface firmly. PPF removal at home would be quite difficult. However, removing PPF is easier than installing it. PPF peeling off would be problematic, especially since you can not remove the film without damaging car paint. The PPF quality, environment, and other factors also affect the process.

How to remove old PPF?

Here, I will guide you on how to remove old PPF by yourself. DIY PPF removal could be a better project. PPF peeling off is not easy, like peeling a sticker. The strong adhesive helps PPF to retain on the car surface. When you try removing it, you may tear it apart or damage the glass. You will require specialized tools for the process.

PPF removing tools

Removing PPF is a simple process when you use specific tools and techniques. The tools you need include

  • Heat gun
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Adhesive remover
  • Car wash kit

Heat the film with a heat gun; it will loosen the adhesive beneath it. You can pour hot water or use a heat gun. Auto Boss experts suggest pouring hot water because a heat gun may damage your car paint. Heat the surface completely, and use a microfiber cloth. A properly heated one is easy to remove and leaves almost no adhesives.

Process of PPF removal

Here, we will discuss removing the PPF process step by step.

Preparing your vehicle is the first step of PPF removal. If you remove PPF during winter, use a warm garage to park your car. Warm weather helps soften the adhesive of the film. If you are removing old PPF in the summer season, park the vehicle in direct sunlight to get the adhesive softened in a few hours.

Panel Preparation

Choose a panel or a portion of your car to start with. Ensure the panel is sun-facing if you want to start the PPF peeling procedure. Warm your old PPF by using one of the methods mentioned above. Ensure warming up the edge-to-edge panel. After five to ten minutes, your PPF is ready for removal.

PPF peeling off

Start PPF peeling off from the corner of the film. Grasp your PPF close to the surface. If PPF peeling off is hard, start heating it again. Heating will loosen the adhesive and let you peel off old PPF without tearing. Remain calm and remove the film with patience. Sharp objects like razor blades or knives can also damage your car paint.

Removing old PPF glue residue

Most adhesive glue gets off with the PPF if you heat it properly. If you notice leftover glue, heat it again and then remove it. We suggest a heat gun or hair dryer for the process. You can also use an adhesive removal solution or chemical than a microfiber towel. Don’t use hard objects or scrapers because they can create scratches on your paint.


After PPF removal if you find residue on your car surface, wash it using a double bucket method. Proper washing will remove dirt, grime, contaminants and chemicals. Avoid automatic car wash as it can destroy your paint. Removing old PPF can take one to two days or even more, especially if your PPF needs to be properly prepared or old.

When to replace PPF?

The time factor for considering PPF replacement depends on the quality. The quality PPF film lasts for around seven years. Here are the signs that your PPF needs replacement.


Bad maintenance and sharp objects can damage your PPF. Car owners can damage PPF by high-pressure washers, harsh chemicals, or accidents.

Most of the damage occurs on front doors or bumpers; that’s the reason drivers install clear bras on the vehicle’s front. Check the PPF’s edges because peeling is common. Professionals can fix minor bubbling and peeling issues.


All PPFs damage over time. If you maintain them properly, it may last for up to ten years. The PPF starts fading, cracking, and yellowish. It is difficult to fix the problems or postpone the film’s lifespan.

You can do PPF removal and Film removal at home. However, if you want to minimize the risk of damage, you can give this task to a professional.

Car PPF removal near me

Auto Boss owns a team of car PPF removal experts; you can find them in Vaughan. We provide town-wide PPF removal services; our equipped team provides you with expert detailing and washing services.


Removing old PPF seems easy, but it has some complications. You can only damage your car paint if you don’t perform the process carefully. Due to careless processes, you may leave adhesive glue residue on your car surface. You will require experts for the perfect finishes.


Can I find car PPF removal near me?

Yes! Every detailing company can help you with removing old PPF

What goes wrong in the process of removing old PPF?

The worst thing about removing old PPF is paint damage. Factory paint is rarely damaged, but in many cars, paint is not proper. You can peel the off paint along with PPF. To cope with this problem, we advise you not to install poor-quality PPF. Low-quality PPF can cause multiple issues. Poor quality material in this low quality is not flexible or durable. It results in tearing, cracking, and excessive glue during the old PPF removal process. The issues create complications in the PPF removal process.

Is there any way for PPF removal?

Simple heating and PPF peeling off is the easiest way. Heating makes PPF adhesive loosen; then, you can peel it like a sticker. Heat the film to soften the adhesive and peel the PPF off.

Can you damage paint during the PPF removal process?

Yes! You can if the paint is of low quality, the PPF condition is bad, or you haven’t taken proper care.


If you have any question, feel free to contact us

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