colored ppf PPF

How to Choose Colored PPF in Canada?

Paint protection film is one of the favourite services of car enthusiasts. It has taken everyone by storm in Canada. There was a time when everyone was installing transparent PPFs on their cars. Those days are gone now. Coloured PPF wrap is also available now. Yes, you heard it right. You can now change the colour of your car without painting it. All you need is a PPF colour wrap. Aren’t you excited to know what these cool upgrades are and where you can get them? If you said yes, then grab our hand. Today, we will take you on an exciting journey of coloured PPF. So, without any further delay let’s get into this.  

What is PPF Colour Wrap?

Undoubtedly, the protection PPF offers could be more attractive. Once upon a time, there were only transparent PPFs. Plot twist! Now PPFs are available in amazing attractive colours. The colored PPFs are available in over fifty colours. Coloured PPF wraps are available in many colours. It must be available in your favourite colour too. This is the best service for those who want a new stylish look for their car. People used to go for PPF who didn’t want to change the design of their cars. The tables are turned now. People are coming for PPF to transform the look of their vehicles. 

What do you think are coloured PPF wraps different from traditional PPFs? The answer is NO. There is no difference in both except the colour. The coloured PPF is made from the same material as the traditional one. PPF is made by combining the following materials:

  • Polyurethane
  • Thermoplastic urethane

There is no difference in the quality and material of both PPFs. With the properties of traditional PPF, a colored PPF offers the same benefits. Do you want to learn about the benefits of PPF? Must see our previous guide on the benefits of PPF.



Related Article: What are the major benefits of paint protection film?


Key Considerations While Choosing Coloured PPF Wrap 

The properties and benefits of both PPFs are almost the same. But while choosing coloured paint protection film keep an account of a few things. Don’t worry, these are pretty basic and easy to remember. 

Colour of the PPF

There is a huge variety of colours available for PPF. It would be hard for you to make up your mind and select one colour. But here are a few tips that you can use while selecting coloured paint protection film. 

  1. A colour that compliments the existing paintwork of your car.
  2. If you don’t want the same colour check for a colour that compliments the style of exterior parts. 
  3. Consider your colour choice. If you are being indecisive pick the colour you like. Your car will be your style statement. So, if you like bold colours, choose them. If you like light and simple colours, pick accordingly. 

 Installation Process
Installation Process

PPF is a relatively new service and this is why not everyone is a PPF expert. Only experienced PPF installers can handle the wrap well. If you like a flawless finish look for experts whose installation process is excellent. AutoBoss is considered one of the best PPF installers in the town. If you are a reliable PPF installer, choose AutoBoss.


It is not like you install PPF and forget about cleaning your car for years. No, this is not the right approach. You should take care of your car like you usually do. No doubt, PPF is a self-healing layer but still it needs to be maintained well. Maintain it well if you don’t want to lose its effectiveness and enhance its durability. 

Read our guide on PPF film cleaning. To enlighten yourself about the maintenance requirements and cleaning tips of a PPF-wrapped car.

How Coloured PPF Wrap Benefits Car Owners?

The benefits of coloured PPF wrap offers are more or less the same as traditional PPF. But do you know what colored PPF offers some additional benefits? Yes, with the conventional benefits of PPF, you will get a lot more with colored PPF. Here is a short list of astonishing benefits of coloured PPF wrap. 

Captivating Colours

Do you think your car does not get the attention it deserves? You can make your car stand out in the crowd with a simple coloured wrap of PPF film. These wraps are available in a wide range of colours. You can choose the one you like from the available options. From solid common colours to unique ones, get your custom PPF. You can choose the colour that goes well with your car’s existing paint. Or if you want something cool you can give it a new look with a different colour wrap. 

Ultimate Protection
Ultimate Protection

Do you cherish your car? Give the best protection to your possessions with a PPF. Besides the style, it protects the car’s exterior from damage. Do you want to know from what damages PPF will protect your car? Read the list below:

  • Stone chips
  • Bird droppings
  • Scratches
  • Swirl marks
  • Corrosion and Rust

Paint protection film protects the car from all kinds of damage. It not only hides teh existing minor scratches but also heals the new ones. This property of PPF makes it better than a paint correction service. Also, who have invented thousands on a paint correction jobs, applying PPF on it would save you a lot of money. It protects the car from future damage. Not only that, it also protects the car from daily wear and tear. If you want to make your car resistant to driving and environmental challenges, this is it.

Great Value for Money

Your investment won’t go in vain. PPF will maintain the original look and shape of the car for many years. You can enjoy the showroom’s new look of your car with PPF. Its protection properties combined with transformative powers can help you get the premium resale value of your car.  One PPF is enough to keep the car in good condition. Everyone knows a scratch-free and flawless car attracts more buyers. It is not possible for a car to not get a scratch but it is possible with a coloured PPF. Even if it gets a scratch it will be automatically healed in heat. It lets car owners enjoy the pristine look of their cars 24/7.


PPF colour wraps are a new thing. It’s an addition to the transparent PPF family. The colour wraps offer the same durability and protection. The only difference between the two is colour. Traditional PPF has no colour or transparency. In contrast, colour PPFs are available in various colours. They protect the car in style. It can be used to transform the look of the car, maintain the A1 condition of the car, and save your investment from future damage. PPF installation is also less expensive than a paint correction job. Don’t wait for your car to look bad before you get a PPF. It can be applied to showroom new cars to enhance aesthetics, protect them, and get the desired resale value. 


Does PPF come in colours?

Yes, PPF is available in a great variety of colours now. You can get a coloured PPF from expert installers just like usual PPFs. 

How much does coloured PPF cost?

There isn’t much difference in the price of transparent and colored PPF. The installation price of PPF is between $600 to $8,000. The overall PPF price depends on the model of the car, the vehicle’s condition, the installer’s expertise, etc.

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10:00 AM – 05:00 PM
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