Roof wrap cost Wrap

Explore Roof Wrap Cost and the Factors that Influence Its Cost

Vinyl wrapping is becoming extremely popular among car owners and car enthusiasts to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their vehicles. It can be applied anywhere on the car, and the car roof is no exception. Many tend to choose vinyl roofing instead of wrapping the whole vehicle. If you are one of those, you must be interested in roof wrap cost, aren’t you?

Vinyl wraps make cars look stylish and enhance their aesthetic appeal. Are you considering following this customisation trend, which adds style and personalizes your vehicle? If yes, then this guide is for you. Today, we will explore how much roof wrap costs and the factors on which it depends. 

How Much Roof Wrap Costs?

Car owners and enthusiasts often request roof wraps, a popular customization option. If you are considering getting a roof wrap then our today’s blog is of your interest. Generally, it costs between $350 to $700. However, this cost may vary from place to place as various factors influence its overall cost. Continue reading if you want to know about these factors.

Factors Affecting the Roof Wrap Cost

Before you bring your car to a professional vinyl wrap installer, find out how much it will cost and what affects the cost. Because without this information you won’t be able to make an informed decision. So, let’s have a look at the factors that influence the overall cost of roof wrapping.

Type of Vinyl Wrap

The material you choose for the vinyl wrap has a significant role in determining the cost of the roof wrap. You might not be aware, but vinyl wrap comes in various types and materials. So, the roof wrap cost is dependent on the material type you choose for it.

A poor quality material is available at cheap rates. But if you want durability, excellent color vibrancy, and exceptional resistance to harmful environmental elements, then go for a high-quality vinyl wrap. 

Preferred Design

Many car owners and car enthusiasts who only want a roof wrap want something that looks unique and stands out. That’s why the complexity of the design you choose will also affect the overall wrap cost.  In addition, special attention is needed for patterns, customized graphics, and unique color combinations, which increases the cost. Also, meeting clients’ special requests on the roof takes longer and requires more effort.  

Car Size and Model

Another factor that affects the overall cost of the roof wrap is the car size. Roof wraps for big vehicles cost more because they need extra vinyl material. Also, vinyl wraps need extra care for luxury and unique-shaped cars so they fit perfectly. Because of the little tricky installation of roof wrap on exotic car models wrap cost won’t be cheap. 

Professional Installation
Professional Installation

Installing a roof wrap flawlessly needs professional expertise. However, some people wrap their cars themselves to save the professional costs. It is not a smart move as it neither has a flawless appearance nor lasts long. So, take help from professionals to enjoy a flawless roof wrap look for years. 

A professional installer will ensure seamless and long-lasting roof wrap. In Canada, professional vinyl wrap installers charge from $500 to $1500 depending on the job complexity and the installer’s expertise. 

Location of the Service Providers

The geographic location of the vinyl wrap installers also influences the overall cost. It’s normal for a shop located in an Urban or Hi-Fi area to charge more. The cost is indeed higher in these areas, but it comes with the advantage of high-quality products and exceptional services. It’s a good idea as far as you are getting quality; charging a little more is justified.

Reputation of the Company

Apart from all the factors discussed above, the company you choose for the professional installation of roof wrap matters a lot in determining its cost. A company with a good reputation and experienced vinyl wrap installers may charge higher rates for roof wrap as compared to a small town or relatively new company. 

Additional Services

Some clients may require additional services like surface preparation, removal of existing wrap, or post-installation services. These additional services are not free and affect the overall cost of roof wrap. So, if you need any service along with the roof wrap, you will have to pay. 

Tips to Get Budget-Friendly Roof Wrap 

If you have a limited budget and want to get a roof wrap, then I have some budgeting tips for you. These tips will help you get a roof wrap as per your needs without breaking the bank. 

Get Multiple Quotes

Get Multiple Quotes

It is better to get multiple quotes from several reputable local vinyl wrap shops. This will provide you an insight not only into the prices of roof wraps of these local installers but also the quality of material they use. Choose a reputable company that satisfies your needs and budget. 

Consider Future Value  

If you want a roof wrap that stays and stays the same for years, go for a high-quality vinyl material and professional installers. In the long term, it’s best to choose vinyl wrap experts and good materials. Don’t compromise on the durability and resistance capability of the wrap to save a few bucks. 


If you know a car enthusiast, discuss your requirements with them and ask them for references. They can guide you about the best vinyl wrappers within your budget. Got no such friends? Look at the reviews and ratings of the service providers online. Good ratings will give you confidence in the abilities and service quality of the vinyl wrappers.


Vinyl roof wraps are an amazing way to enhance and transform the aesthetic appeal of your car. You can also make a personal style statement with a unique pattern and color scheme of a roof wrap. Understanding the factors that influence the overall price of a roof wrap will help you make an informed decision. Whether you want a simple color change or a bold design on your car’s roof, feel free to take help from our article and turn your vehicle into an eye-catching masterpiece.


How long does vinyl roof wrap last?

Usually, roof wraps last for about five years. However, the longevity depends on various factors like environmental conditions, installation, product quality, maintenance, etc. A poorly installed wrap or driving in bad weather conditions causes the wrap to wear off easily.  

What is a vinyl roof wrap?

Vinyl roof wrap is a way to upgrade your vehicle. Apart from changing the look of your vehicle, this wrap protects the car from UV rays and other harmful elements, preserving the pristine condition of the wrap for a long time. 

What are the benefits of roof wrap?

Vinyl roof wrap offers plenty of benefits, like creating a unique look and providing more protection to the vehicle. 

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Monday – Friday
09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
10:00 AM – 05:00 PM
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