new car ceramic coating ceramic coating

Should I get a new car ceramic coating?

When do you buy a new car? You always want to protect it from environmental factors like UV rays and harsh weather conditions. Having a new car ceramic coating is beneficial because you won’t need more preparation work or paint correction. Getting ceramic coating on a new car provides additional protection to your vehicle’s interior. It keeps your vehicle looking like a new one with a minimum maintenance level. Hence making your vehicle easy to clean.

There are several ceramic coating types available in the market, including DIY kits; Auto Boss suggests you visit professionals to ensure the best protection level.

Why you need new car ceramic coating 

A few things that make your car look like an old one, such as peeling paint and rust spots on your hood, roof, and doors. Suppose you want your car to appear in pristine condition. 

Protecting the car’s original coat 

Whenever you drive your car, you are exposing it to different contaminants like UV radiation or road salt. These contaminants cause damage to your car paint. New car ceramic coating offers a protective surface on your vehicle’s body. It creates chemical bonding to your vehicle’s clear coat and makes a hydrophobic layer on it. This layer is a barrier between foreign matter and the car surface.

New car coating protects it from harmful UV radiation that leads to rust and oxidation. If you want the original look of your car’s paint, long to get a professional coating for a new car. 

Enhanced glossy shine and ease of washing 

New car ceramic coating creates a hydrophobic layer. It means ceramic coating on a new car repels water, making cleaning easy. It allows dirt and water droplets to bead off with just a quick rinse. You will see your car’s beautiful color reflecting just after regular washing. 

The ceramic coating improves the car’s looks by adding depth to its surface, resulting in a candy-like shine. The captivating shine created by the coating provides a showroom-quality appearance. Additionally, along with exterior appeal, ceramic coating protects your vehicle from UV damage.

At Auto Boss, we apply new car ceramic coating skillfully to enhance the glossy time without waxing.

Protection against corrosion, oxidation, or rust
Protection against corrosion, oxidation, or rust

A car, whether it is new or old, is always at risk of damage caused by UVA and UVB radiation. Continuous exposure to the sun can break down your car’s clear coat over time. When your vehicle’s clear coat is damaged, elements like salt, water, or road debris penetrate it, causing oxidation or rusting. New car ceramic coating doesn’t leave the clear coat damaged; hence, it protects it against oxidation, corrosion, or rust.


Although initially, the ceramic coating could be a larger upfront, its benefits are in the long run. After having a ceramic coating on a new car, you don’t need to spend more money on protective elements such as car wash, sealants, or waxes. Once installed professionally, the ceramic coating reduces the regular visits to automotive detailers since you need less work to maintain the glossy appearance of your vehicle.

Reduced visits to the detailers mean cost savings for up to five years. Irrespective of the lifespan of car waxes. Ceramic coating makes your vehicle easy to maintain for years to come. It requires little or no reapplication or touch-ups. Auto Boss offers affordable packages that will not make your pockets empty.

Longevity of car ceramic coating 

Investing in ceramic coating is more than just a temporary protection option. The lifespan of ceramic coating makes it better than traditional waxes or sealants. Traditional sealants or waxes require reapplication after every few months. However, with proper maintenance, ceramic coating may last for years. According to many car enthusiasts, the ceramic coating has improved the lifespan of your car paint while improving its shine dramatically.

Scratch resistance 

A new car ceramic coating creates a hard layer that provides wonderful scratch resistance to the surface of the vehicle. It protects your car from road debris, daily wear and tear, and other contaminants.

Adding value to the vehicle 

Investing in new car ceramic coating adds value to your vehicle, especially when you decide to sell it. The ceramic coating on vehicles attracts potential buyers while increasing its resale value.

Ceramic car coating versus other protective options
Ceramic car coating versus other protective options

A lot of options for protecting vehicle paint are available in the market. It includes car waxing and paint protection film, each having separate advantages. However, ceramic coating is at the top of the list when it comes to ease of maintenance, longevity, and overall value to your vehicle. 

For instance, car waxing requires frequent reapplication after every few months. At the same time, Paint protection film can be costly while talking about maintenance. A small portion of PPF requires replacement when it is damaged.

Ceramic coating makes cleaning simple and quick because of its hydrophobic properties. You only require simple cleaning to clean off dirt from the vehicle surface.   

Things to remember 

It is significant to realize that new car ceramic coating offers several benefits, but it is not a magical solution. Chips or major scratches are not avoidable just with ceramic coating. The daily wear and tear of driving or mechanical leaves marks on your vehicle. 

However, it is a good idea to get a ceramic coating on a new car. It will keep your car in tip-top position while you are driving in harsh weather conditions. 


When you buy a car, obviously, you are going to expose it to the sun and harsh weather conditions. New car ceramic coating is a protective shield that provides a radiant exterior. The ceramic coating protects your vehicle against rainwater, humidity, and chemical resistance and prevents your vehicle surface from sustainable damage.

You can enjoy the benefits of ceramic coating if it is applied properly to your vehicle. Although DIY ceramic coating  kits are available in the market. However, not everyone can apply for them. You would require a professional coating installer like Auto Boss to apply it. Get ready to improve your car appearance for years to come, get ceramic coating installation from Auto Boss.  

Say goodbye to scratched or dull finishes; embrace the brilliance. Get a free quote from Auto Boss.


Is it worth getting the ceramic coating on a new car?

Yes! Applying a ceramic coating to your car is a worthwhile investment. It comes with the benefits of washing and protection against water spots.

Are there any disadvantages of new car coating?

The only disadvantage of new car coating is its cost, and it may not last longer than five years.

Is it advisable to apply the coating for a new car?

Yes! Ceramic coating protects your car against UV rays and water spots while giving it a new shine.

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