ceramic car paint ceramic coating

How to Maintain Ceramic Car Paint Coating on a Car?

If you are a trend follower, you must have heard about ceramic car paint coatings. In recent years, ceramic paint protection has gained popularity. Many car owners are considering installing ceramic coating on their cars. On the other hand, many of you must have already ceramic-coated their cars. If your vehicle has a ceramic coating, you must be concerned about its maintenance. Don’t worry; maintaining a ceramic car paint coating is not difficult. All you need is a little guidance; we are here. So, without waiting any more time, let’s dive into this. 

Tips to Maintain Ceramic Paint Protection

First, you should find professional ceramic coating experts to get the most out of this incredible auto-protection product. Experts will deliver your desired results while maintaining them, which will be your duty. Ceramic paint protection service is not inexpensive. So, if you have spent thousands on ceramic coating, you must learn the dos and don’ts of ceramic car paint. The following tips will help you maintain ceramic coating for a long time. 

Regular Washing

We all love to keep our cars neat and clean. But you don’t need to wash your car every other day if it’s ceramic coated. Ceramic car paint coating is hydrophobic, keeping the car’s exterior clean. Also, daily washing weakens the hydrophobic properties of the coating. Therefore, you should wash your car properly after regular intervals. Washing your car every other week is good enough to ensure the car is in good condition. 

Avoid Sunlight

Ceramic coating is sensitive to light. Do not park your car in direct sunlight for a long time. Also, never wash your ceramic-coated car in the sunlight. This way, the car dries faster and leaves water spots. It’s better to wash your car at a mild temperature and dry it with a microfiber cloth for a smooth finish. Ceramic coating costs are not budget-friendly for everyone. You should maintain it well after spending your hard-earned money on this service. 

Use Soft Washing Brushes

Soft Washing Brushes

Take a soft brush or cloth whenever it’s time for a quick car wash. Do not use brushes with hard bristles or scrubbers. These will damage the coating. Use soft materials to wash and clean your ceramic car paint. For example, sponges, soft brushes, and microfiber cloth.

Furthermore, never visit any automatic car wash if your vehicle has ceramic coating. The polishing brushes here are hard and can damage the coating. So, to maintain the ceramic paint protection, wash your car yourself. Dry the car immediately after washing. Do not leave water to stay on your car’s exterior for long. Ceramic coating is hydrophobic; water will slide on its surface, but you still need to remove every single drop of water from its surface with a soft towel or cleaning cloth. 

Use Ceramic Coating Boosters

Ceramic coating adds a lustrous shine to the cars. To maintain the glow, you will need ceramic coating booster sprays. If you think your car has lost its shine, you can use this product to make it glow like before. These sprays enhance the hydrophobic properties of ceramic coating. So, it makes the car shine and enhances its protection. 


Related Article: Is Auto Ceramic Coating Available Near Me?


All the steps mentioned above are necessary for aftercare. To ensure you haven’t accidentally damaged the coating, visit the auto shop once every 3 to 4 months. Maintaining ceramic coating is necessary to keep enjoying its incredible performance and durability. 

Remove Environmental Contaminants ASAP

Ceramic coating can not make birds stay away from your car. There is no way to escape from natural contaminants. The ceramic coating will only lower the impact of damage. This is why you should always take care of your vehicle. Bird droppings, tree sap, and UV radiation damage the car’s paint and ceramic coating. If you see any natural contaminants on your car’s exterior, clean it as soon as possible. 

Pros and Cons of Ceramic Car Paint Coating

Pros and Cons of Ceramic Car Paint Coating

Ceramic coating is the current favorite of many car enthusiasts. It offers plenty of benefits that are loved by many. Here is a short list of benefits you will enjoy with ceramic coating.

  • The importance of ceramic coating can be determined by its protection from UV rays. The harmful sunrays are the worst enemy of the pristine condition of cars. Ceramic coating protects the car’s paint from all kinds of chemical damage. From fading to oxidation, nothing beats ceramic coating protection. 
  • It also protects the car from damaging chemical stains. Whether it’s tree sap, bird droppings, bug splatter, or road grime, ceramic coats protect the car from them all.
  • Cleaning a ceramic car paint is a cakewalk. Its hydrophobic property makes cleaning a lot easier. Also, it saves the hard work of long cleaning hours. Even a few swipes of mild detergent and clean water are enough to make the car shine. 
  • Also, the ceramic coating makes the car’s paint glow from within. It chemically binds with the car paint and brings the best look out.

Ceramic car paint coating offers plenty of benefits but is not free of drawbacks. It comes with some cons that are disappointing for some. Here is what you won’t get with a ceramic coating. 

  • It does not protect the car’s paint from scratches and swirl marks. 
  • Although it’s hydrophobic and makes water beads up and slides, it leaves water marks upon drying. 
  • You still need to wash your car regularly. The ceramic coating can not keep the car clean forever. 


Ceramic coating costs thousands of dollars and will be useless if you don’t maintain it well. All car owners with ceramic coating on their cars follow the tips we shared in this guide. The ceramic coating needs care from washing to cleaning. Feel free to take help from this guide regarding the maintenance of ceramic coating. 


Is ceramic paint good for cars?

Yes, ceramic coating is an excellent solution for car protection. It shields the car’s paintwork from harmful environmental contaminants.

Is ceramic paint permanent?

Ceramic coating is permanent but only for five years. The durability of this coating depends on installation and maintenance. It can last up to five years or more if maintained well.

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