Paint protection film and ceramic coating ceramic coating PPF

Paint protection film and ceramic coating: Which one is the best one

Do you like to protect your new vehicle? Your newly bought car is your investment. You want to save your investment and save your truck shine quickly. Both paint protection film and ceramic coating are installed to your vehicle to protect it from the external elements.  

Weather is harsh in Canada. In winters road salts, rains or hail can cause corrosion to your paint. However, in summer, UV radiation can affect the car’s surface and lead to fading. In addition to these environmental elements, your paint can get rock chips, bird droppings, debris, or dirt. To protect your car from these things, paint protection film and ceramic coating helps.

Here in this guide, Auto Boss professionals suggest protection solutions such as paint protection film and ceramic coating. Auto Boss customers ask which protection solution is better and why. Here are the reasons to choose one over the other.  

Comprehensive answers to this question include:

  • Paint protection film and ceramic coating are different.
  • The protection solution you choose depends on your preferences.  

Paint protection film and ceramic coating

Both paint protection film and ceramic coating are distinct in nature and protection level. They also have different functionality and applications.

What is PPF coating?

One of the top benefits of PPF is its self-healing ability. When a PPF-wrapped vehicle experiences a minor impact with minor heat, it can be repaired. It can also protect your car against UV radiation.

What is ceramic coating?

What is ceramic coating?

It is a nanotechnology that makes a protection layer invisible. Nanoparticles of the ceramic coating seal pores of the surface to make it glossy. It prevents water from seeping in the vehicle paint. Hence, the chances of corrosion or rusting are reduced. Car paint protection coating is a very good option for the people owning vehicles in areas with heavy rain.

Differences between paint protection film and ceramic coating

Everyone wants to protect their vehicle from prematureing. Both PPF or ceramic coating can serve the purpose.


Both auto paint protection and ceramic coating can contribute to enhancing your vehicle’s appearance. When your car is new, both of these options protect its paint for a long time. PPF and ceramic coating both keep your vehicle’s appearance looking like new without changing color.


Related Article: Which is better PPF or ceramic coating?


Nature of application

Paint protection film and ceramic coating are different in nature. PPF coating is a vinyl film whereas ceramic coating is liquid chemical that hardens after curing.

Protection layer

The protection level of PPF coating is higher than that of ceramic coating. Paint protection film is a physical barrier against external factors. It prevents scratches, chips from the car’s clear coat.

Ceramic coating is a liquid chemical that hardens over time. It protects your vehicle from minor scratches. Ceramic also provides a protection against several issues.



PPF coating requires a specialized, skilled, and professional installer. Vinyl film requires précising cutting when it is applied to the vehicle surface. However, the installation time varies depending on how the vehicle is wrapped. Wrapping a luxury vehicle is complicated and requires more time and expertise. However, wrapping simple cars doesn’t require expertise and requires less time. Ceramic coating requires professional installation and a prepared surface. 


Paint protection film is more expensive than a ceramic coating because of the installation cost and material. However, PPF coating protects better and saves money on maintenance and costly paint repairs. It is a long-lasting protective option. You have to apply ceramic coating after four years. Ceramic coatings don’t have any warranty. Although ceramic coating is inexpensive initially, its cost increases over time. However, PPF coatings have up to ten years warranty. You don’t need to change PPF coating over three to four years.


PPF coating requires little cleaning or maintenance. You don’t need to give special care to the paint protection film. A vehicle with PPF coating requires a normal car wash. Avoid using pressure wash with brushes, as it can tear off or scratch the paint protection film. Experts at Auto Boss suggest using two bucket hand wash or brush less express wash to keep your PPF new.

Ceramic coatings also require less maintenance, but it is essential to use low- or neutral-pH cleaners. Abrasive cleaning chemicals can damage the coating layer. These chemicals can make it peel off or fade from multiple places.  

Selecting the best option: Paint protection film and ceramic coating

Both Paint protection film and ceramic coating provide protection and shine to your vehicle paint. Auto Boss experts present some tips to make it easier to decide.

Do you prefer a deep, shiny vehicle? If yes, ceramic coating is for you. Ceramic coating offers a better level of gloss than paint protection film. 

PPF coating’s self-healing properties provide you with hassle-free ownership against minor impacts. These properties make PPF an expensive option than ceramic coating. 

If you have a larger budget, you can apply a ceramic coating over paint protection film. Both of these options increase the protection level when applied to the vehicle surface.


PPF coating offers a high protection level. Paint protection film protects vehicle paints for up to seven years. However, ceramic coating doesn’t come with a warranty. It can survive for up to five years. Initially ceramic car coating is an affordable but short term protective option.

PPF coating is the ultimate long term protective option. However, auto protective coating has a hydrophobic property that makes it easy to clean. Choosing a specific protective option depends on your budget and preferences.


Can you apply ceramic coating on PPF?

Yes! With an added budget and protection level, ceramic coating on Paint protection film is easy to maintain.

Is paint protection film or ceramic coating the same?

No! Ceramic coating and PPF are different in many terms from their nature, levels of protection and lifespan. 

What should I apply first, paint protection film or ceramic coating?

Apply paint protection film first and then ceramic coating to improve the level of protection.

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