Which is better PPF or ceramic coating? ceramic coating PPF

Which is better PPF or ceramic coating?

According to a report, the average Canadian car owner spends around 400.6 hours in the car, around 380 hours annually..Drivers also want their cars to be protected. The reason the car paint protection market is expanding. The most popular option of paint protection is ceramic coating and PPF coating. Both options prevent fading, scratches, and other effects on your car’s clear coat. After reading this blog, it will be easier to decide whether to install PPF or ceramic coating.we will compare the benefits and disadvantages of ceramic coating and PPF. It will help you decide which option is better than the other. 

PPF (Paint protection film)

PPF is a layer for protection that is applied to the vehicle surface. It is an ultra-thin, transparent thermoplastic urethane film. The PPF coating’s benefits are: 

  • It is a durable, flexible, and self-healing film that protects the car’s surface from damage.
  • It doesn’t affect your car’s appearance. 
  • It is UV-resistant and easy to maintain. 
  • You can get PPF removed without paint damage.  

Ceramic coating

Ceramic coating is also a paint protection layer. It is made of liquid polymer sprayed on your car’s surface. Ceramic benefits are: 

  • It makes a hard, transparent, and durable layer on your surface. 
  • The ceramic coating layer is hydrophobic, which makes it repellent for water marks, dirt, and other elements. 
  • It also protects your car from UV rays. 

Similarities between Ceramic coating and PPF

When you want to select the best protection option you must check similarities and differences of PPF vs Ceramic coating. Some common features of the ceramic coating and PPF 


Both of the options are invisible. The PPF and ceramic coating are invisible when they are applied properly on the vehicle. If you don’t apply them properly on the car, you can spoil the appearance of your vehicle. 

Prevent oxidation and fading

Both Ceramic coating and PPF prevent oxidation and fading of the car’s clear coat. They create a layer on the vehicle that protects the inner paint coat for a long time. So, selecting among PPF vs Ceramic coating depends on your budget as well.

Chemical resistance

The tree sap, bird droppings, and even raindrops contain chemicals that can cause oxidation. The chemicals in the environmental factors can destroy your car paint and reduce its shine. The options increase the chemical resistance of your car paint and the environmental elements.

UV protection

The UV rays can cause fading of the paint. The protection options protect your vehicle from UV rays. However, the UV protection level depends on the number of layers of PPF coating  on your car coat. The ceramic coating acts as a sunscreen for your car. It keeps your car to remain vibrant and un-dulled. 

Acidic contaminants

Environmental elements contain acidic contaminants. These acidic contaminants affect your car paint in the long run.

Adds value

The resale value of the vehicle depends on its aesthetics. The clearer your paint is, the more car value will be. The purchasers will observe your car for the first before knowing anything else. Protection options add value to the vehicle. 

Differences between Ceramic and PPF coating

Besides the similarities, there are differences between PPF and ceramic coating. Some of the details are 


The durability of PPF coating ranges from seven to ten years. It depends on the product quality. If it is installed properly and maintained, the life span can be maximized. 

Ceramic coating’s durability ranges from two to five years. It also depends on the product quality. If you maintain ceramic coating, the durability can be extended to more than five years. The durability of PPF is more than that of ceramic coating. You can apply a ceramic coating on the car’s surface and then apply PPF to get the longest paint protection. 

However, durability of PPF or ceramic coating depends on the maintenance and the weather conditions in which the vehicle operates.

Protection level

The protection levels of both ceramic coating and PPF differ in many terms.

Impact:  Ceramic coating is thinner than PPF. The thickness of PPF increases the level of paint protection. Hence, PPF. PPF provides a high protection level against scratches. The self-healing properties help in maintaining the original form of paint. 

Hydrophobic: Ceramic coating has hydrophobic properties over PPF. The properties make the coated car clean and easy to maintain.

UV protection: Low-quality PPF can fade, discolor, or turn yellow after time. However, the ceramic coating protects the vehicle’s paint from oxidation as it makes a layer on it.


Ceramic coating is cheaper than PPF. The PPF provides more protection against scratches because of the self-healing property.

Aesthetic appeal

Both options improve your car’s appearance. They keep your car’s original paint without color or pattern change. Ceramic coating is better than PPF. It makes the car coat shinier. If you are interested in improving aesthetics besides protection, you must opt for ceramic coating.


Maintenance is another thing that Ceramic coating and PPF share. Some people opt for both options to maintain their car paint. 

If you want ease of maintenance, you must prefer ceramic coating because of its hydrophobic properties. Because of this property, water beads roll down from the car’s surface. 

Deciding about the best option

Both of the options we discussed provide high-level protection and more shine to your vehicle’s paint. Here are some factors that can help you differentiate among them 

If you like deep shine, ceramic coating will be the best option for you. It provides a better appearance and ease to maintain your car as compared to PPF.

PPF provides more protection than ceramic coating. However, PPF coating is expensive at the start. Its life is also more than ceramic coating.


Both ceramic coating and PPF provide optimum protection to your car. However, deciding whether PPF is better or the former one depends on your budget and choices. You can apply a ceramic coating over PPF to get premium finishes and protection.


Is PPF quality affected by the vehicle age?

Yes! We at Auto Boss recommend applying PPF on brand-new cars rather than applying it to old ones. When you apply PPF on an old vehicle, it becomes noticeable when excessive wear and tear to the exterior surface. 

How long does Ceramic coating and PPF coating lasts

PPF coating can last from seven to ten years depending on the maintenance and PPF quality. However, ceramic coating can last up to five years.

Which protection option can be applied first to your car?

We recommend applying PPF coating first and ceramic coating over it. You can also apply a ceramic coating over PPF because ceramic provides luxury gloss and ease of cleaning. However, PPF protects from minor scratches.

If you have any question, feel free to contact us

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